Ragnheiður Ingunn Jóhannsdóttir

Soprano takes the baton

Ragnheiður Ingunn's master's project from the Royal College of Music in Stockholm was an artistic research project on the musical performance method where a solo singer conducts an orchestra while singing. The aim was to shine a light on the effect this performance practice has on the quality of the performance; if it hampers the singer’s ability to interpret the lyrics and make theatrical gestures or if the musical performance can possibly benefit from having one person singing and conducting. 

The core of the project was a concert in Reykjavík organised by Ragnheiður where she performed as solo soprano and conductor with a chamber orchestra. The research was made from her personal perspective, while the views of instrumentalists also played a significant role. The author observed the internationally renowned soprano and conductor Barbara Hannigan as she rehearsed and performed a concert with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra at the Reykjavík Arts Festival. 

For this project the writer enjoyed the cooperation of three composers whom she commissioned to write pieces especially for her to sing and conduct, and together with Zerbinetta's aria by Richard Strauss this music was premiered by her and a chamber orchestra at her concert in Eldborg, Harpa at the Reykjavík Opera Days on November 5th, 2022. The composers are: Ingibjörg Ýr Skarphéðinsdóttir, Jóhann G. Jóhannsson and María Huld Markan.

The full research project is accessible here